"Drill Press" is a word in ENGLISH

drill press ENGLISH

A machine for drilling holes in metal, the drill being
pressed to the metal by the action of a screw.

Few words of positivity

She had picked the spot the day before and carried out a stool low enough to sit on and still have her paintbox and her water cup within reach. Anna didn't use an easel. Easels seemed to her an altogether too assertive aid, too obvious. She liked to work as unobtrusively as possible, the paper spread on a board in her lap, close to her hand.

Tove Jansson, The True Deceiver

Laugh your heart out.

Former Vice President Quayle, Speaker of the HouseGingrich, and President Clinton are traveling in acar together in Kansas. A tornado comes along andwhirls them up into the air and tosses them thousandsof yards away. They all fall into a daze. When they come to and extract themselves from thevehicle, they realize they're in the fabled Land of Oz. They decide to go see the famous Wizard of Oz. TheWizard is known for granting people their wishes. Quayle says, "I'm going to ask the Wizard for a brain." Gingrich responds, "I'm going to ask the Wizard for a heart." Clinton speaks up, "Where's Dorothy?"

abacinate ENGLISH

To blind by a red-hot metal plate held before the eyes.

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accordion ENGLISH

A small, portable, keyed wind instrument, whose tones are generated by play of the wind upon free metallic reeds.

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acierage ENGLISH

The process of coating the surface of a metal plate (as a stereotype plate) with steellike iron by means of …

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actinium ENGLISH

A supposed metal, said by Phipson to be contained in commercial zinc; -- so called because certain of its compounds …

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Lot. one who corrupts; one who seduces another man's wife. Adulter solidorur/i. A corruptor of metals; a counterfeiter. Calvin

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aerolite ENGLISH

A stone, or metallic mass, which has fallen to the earth from distant space; a meteorite; a meteoric stone.

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aerugo ENGLISH

The rust of any metal, esp. of brass or copper; verdigris.

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A refining of metals. Blount

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In commercial law. A term used to express the difference in point of value between metallic nnd paper money, or …

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aich's metal ENGLISH

A kind of gun metal, containing copper, zinc, and iron, but no tin.

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aláhas - (Sp. alhajas) Jewels, jewelry; adornments, trinkets, etc. made of the precious metals with or without stones.

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albata ENGLISH

A white metallic alloy; which is made into spoons, forks, teapots, etc. British plate or German silver. See German silver, …

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alchemy ENGLISH

An imaginary art which aimed to transmute the baser metals into gold, to find the panacea, or universal remedy for …

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alchemy ENGLISH

A mixed metal composed mainly of brass, formerly used for various utensils; hence, a trumpet.

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alembic ENGLISH

An apparatus formerly used in distillation, usually made of glass or metal. It has mostly given place to the retort …

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To mix (metals); to mix with a baser metal; to alloy; to deteriorate.

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To form a metallic compound.

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A baser metal mixed with a finer.

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Any combination or compound of metals fused together; a mixture of metals; for example, brass, which is an alloy of …

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To mix, as metals, so as to form a compound.

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