"Dreariness" is a word in ENGLISH

dreariness ENGLISH

Dismalness; gloomy solitude.

dreariness ENGLISH

Sorrow; wretchedness.

Few words of positivity

... no sensitive Christian can be satisfied with a distinction between righteousness and unrighteousness drawn only between communities, with each individual belonging unambiguously on one or the other side of the line. The behavior of "the righteous" is often very disappointing, while "the unrighteous" regularly perform in a manner that is much better than our theology might lead us to expect of them. Thus the need for a perspective that allows for both a rather slow process of sanctification in the Christian life and some sort of divine restraint on the power of sin in the unbelieving community. These theological adjustments to a religious perspective that might otherwise betray strong Manichean tones provide us with yet another reason for openness to a broad-ranging dialogue: Christians have good grounds for believing that their own weakness can be corrected by encountering the strengths of others.

Richard J. Mouw, Pluralisms And Horizons: An Essay In Christian Public Philosophy

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How can you tell when a blonde rejects a new brain transplant?A: She sneezes.

acherontic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Acheron; infernal; hence, dismal, gloomy; moribund.

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Fig.: Dismal, gloomy, or forbidding, like darkness; destitute of moral light or goodness; atrociously wicked; cruel; mournful; calamitous; horrible.

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black-browed ENGLISH

Having black eyebrows. Hence: Gloomy; dismal; threatening; forbidding.

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dismal ENGLISH

Gloomy to the eye or ear; sorrowful and depressing to the feelings; foreboding; cheerless; dull; dreary; as, a dismal outlook; …

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dismalness ENGLISH

The quality of being dismal; gloominess.

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dolesome ENGLISH

Doleful; dismal; gloomy; sorrowful.

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Dismal; gloomy with solitude.

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dreary ENGLISH

Exciting cheerless sensations, feelings, or associations; comfortless; dismal; gloomy.

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dúyò - Dejected, sad, melancholy, pensive, moody, sorrowful, cheerless, dismal, unhappy, mournful, gloomy, spiritless; to be sad, etc. Kútub sang …

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To become dark or dim; to be or appear dismal, gloomy, or sad; to come to the evening twilight.

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gloomy ENGLISH

Imperfectly illuminated; dismal through obscurity or darkness; dusky; dim; clouded; as, the cavern was gloomy.

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glummy ENGLISH

dark; gloomy; dismal.

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Pale yellow; ghastly pale; wan; gloomy; dismal.

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mamíngaw - Dreary, lonely, sad, dismal, dejected, doleful, sentimental, melancholy, mournful, gloomy, depressing, cheerless, joyless. (cf. míngaw).

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melancholy ENGLISH

Depressed in spirits; dejected; gloomy dismal.

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solitary ENGLISH

Not inhabited or occupied; without signs of inhabitants or occupation; desolate; deserted; silent; still; hence, gloomy; dismal; as, the solitary …

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Melancholy; dismal; gloomy; mournful.

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sullen ENGLISH

Gloomy; dismal; foreboding.

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Desolate; devastated; stripped; bare; hence, dreary; dismal; gloomy; cheerless.

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