"Dominie" is a word in ENGLISH

dominie ENGLISH

A clergyman. See Domine, 1.

dominie ENGLISH

A schoolmaster; a pedagogue.

Few words of positivity

If you don't go to people's funerals they won't come to yours.


Laugh your heart out.

Why are haunted houses so noisy in April? That's when the ghosts do their spring screaming!

blackcoat ENGLISH

A clergyman; -- familiarly so called, as a soldier is sometimes called a redcoat or a bluecoat.

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candidating ENGLISH

The taking of the position of a candidate; specifically, the preaching of a clergyman with a view to settlement.

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canonicals ENGLISH

The dress prescribed by canon to be worn by a clergyman when officiating. Sometimes, any distinctive professional dress.

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chaplain ENGLISH

A clergyman who is officially attached to the army or navy, to some public institution, or to a family or …

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chaplain ENGLISH

Any person (clergyman or layman) chosen to conduct religious exercises for a society, etc.; as, a chaplain of a Masonic …

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churchlike ENGLISH

Befitting a church or a churchman; becoming to a clergyman.

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churchman ENGLISH

An ecclesiastic or clergyman.

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clergyman ENGLISH

An ordained minister; a man regularly authorized to preach the gospel, and administer its ordinances; in England usually restricted to …

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cleric ENGLISH

A clerk, a clergyman.

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clericity ENGLISH

The state of being a clergyman.

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A clergyman or ecclesiastic.

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In eoolesiastioal law. A per-son ln holy orders; a clergyman; an individual attached to the eccleslastlcal state, and who has …

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A title given to serjeants at law, who are called “serjeants of the coif,’’ from the coif they wear on …

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collation ENGLISH

The presentation of a clergyman to a benefice by a bishop, who has it in his own gift.

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Corse-Present LAW AND LEGAL

A mortuary, thus termed because, when a mortuary became due on the death of a man, the best or sec-ond-best …

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curate ENGLISH

One who has the cure of souls; originally, any clergyman, but now usually limited to one who assists a rector …

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deprivation ENGLISH

the taking away from a clergyman his benefice, or other spiritual promotion or dignity.

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dignitary ENGLISH

One who possesses exalted rank or holds a position of dignity or honor; especially, one who holds an ecclesiastical rank …

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divine ENGLISH

A minister of the gospel; a priest; a clergyman.

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