"Dolorific" is a word in ENGLISH

dolorific ENGLISH

Alt. of Dolorifical

Few words of positivity

Christine taught her that the world you inherited didn’t have to be the world you left behind. Nothing was pre-determined. Not even No Man’s Land.

Geonn Cannon, Riley Parra Season One

Laugh your heart out.

Art Teacher: The picture of the horse is good, but where is the wagon ?Pupil: The horse will draw it !

dendrology ENGLISH

A discourse or treatise on trees; the natural history of trees.

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insatiability ENGLISH

The state or quality of being insatiable; insatiableness.

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kapay n {1} pectoral fins on a fish. {2} anything analogous that propels: wing, flipper. Ang mga kapay nga gigámit …

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obsolescence ENGLISH

The state of becoming obsolete.

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strike ENGLISH

To touch or hit with some force, either with the hand or with an instrument; to smite; to give a …

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wariangle ENGLISH

The red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio); -- called also wurger, worrier, and throttler.

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siphoniferous ENGLISH

Siphon-bearing, as the shell of the nautilus and other cephalopods.

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lalaki TAGALOG

lalaki Definition: (noun) man, male (adj) male

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pínsan - To gather, collect into one, do all together, in one go. Pinsanón ko lang ang pagbáyad sang tanán …

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testatrix ENGLISH

A woman who makes and leaves a will at death; a female testator.

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hyperaspist ENGLISH

One who holds a shield over another; hence, a defender.

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multitudinous ENGLISH

Consisting of a multitude; manifold in number or condition; as, multitudinous waves.

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To satisfy; grafity or minister to, as any sense, talent, taste, or desire.

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tuck-net ENGLISH

See Tuck, n., 2.

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