"Diyana" is a word in CEBUANO

diyana CEBUANO

diyána = dayána.

Few words of positivity

One writes because one has been touched by the yearning for and the despair of ever touching the Other.

Charles Simic, The Unemployed Fortune-Teller: Essays and Memoirs

Laugh your heart out.

Where would you put an injured insect ?In an antbulance !

deerhound ENGLISH

One of a large and fleet breed of hounds used in hunting deer; a staghound.

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spectrometer ENGLISH

A spectroscope fitted for measurements of the luminious spectra observed with it.

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westerner ENGLISH

A native or inhabitant of the west.

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tali- prefix to a verb forming adjectives meaning about to [do]. Talilarga na ku sa Amirika, Im ready to leave …

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attent ENGLISH

Attention; heed.

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didelphian ENGLISH

One of the Didelphia.

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unyoked ENGLISH

Licentious; unrestrained.

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compost ENGLISH

To mingle, as different fertilizing substances, in a mass where they will decompose and form into a compost.

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contrivble ENGLISH

Capable of being contrived, planned, invented, or devised.

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kayang CEBUANO

káyang n shed consisting of a roof of buri palm thatch supported by sticks or poles with no walls: {1} …

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blench ENGLISH

To shrink; to start back; to draw back, from lack of courage or resolution; to flinch; to quail.

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To rejoice; to be pleased; -- often used, in Old English, impersonally with dative.

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conder ENGLISH

One who watches shoals of fish; a balker. See Balker.

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indentation ENGLISH

A notch or recess, in the margin or border of anything; as, the indentations of a leaf, of the coast, …

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A position or condition which affords entrance, control, pr possession, etc.; as, the key of a line of defense; the …

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reinstatement ENGLISH

The act of reinstating; the state of being reinstated; re/stablishment.

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pakót - To guess, conjecture, divine, surmise, speculate, solve a riddle. Pákta (pakotá) kon saráng ka makapakót sinâ. Guess if …

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salatan CEBUANO

salátan n strong wind coming from the south during storms.

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nyuralhiya CEBUANO

nyuralhiya n neuralgia.

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edulcoration ENGLISH

The act of freeing from acids or any soluble substances, by affusions of water.

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