"Disrobing" is a word in ENGLISH

disrobing ENGLISH

of Disrobe

Few words of positivity

Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy.

Lao Tzu

Laugh your heart out.

How did Gertie Gorilla make the 'Playboy' Calendar?She was 'Miss Ape-ril!'

disapparel ENGLISH

To disrobe; to strip of apparel; to make naked.

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disrobe ENGLISH

To divest of a robe; to undress; figuratively, to strip of covering; to divest of that which clothes or decorates; …

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disrober ENGLISH

One who, or that which, disrobes.

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hubû - Naked, bare, stripped, nude, undraped; to strip, disrobe, undress. Ginhubuán siá sang mga buyóng sang íya mga panápton. …

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paúba - Caus. of úba—to undress, take off, disrobe, strip. Paubáha siá sang íya báyò. Let him (Order him to) …

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undress ENGLISH

To divest of ornaments to disrobe.

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unrobe ENGLISH

To disrobe; to undress; to take off the robes.

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