"Disproportionable" is a word in ENGLISH

disproportionable ENGLISH

Disproportional; unsuitable in form, size,
quantity, or adaptation; disproportionate; inadequate.

Few words of positivity

Fear makes us feel our humanity.

Benjamin Disraeli

Laugh your heart out.

A man had been out in the back woods for weeks, cutting logs. He was a bit scruffy and didn't smell very good. Finally he needed a break and came in to town for a few beers.In the bar, he saw the local jock of the town's football team. He was bragging about his girlfriend and how she was lucky to have him for a boyfriend.The lumberjack, after drinking six bottles of beer, was heard to say, "Buddy, if she went out with me, she'd never go out with you ever again."To which the local jock replied, "Hey buddy, if she went out with you, she'd never go out with ANYONE ever again."

disproportion ENGLISH

Want of suitableness, adequacy, or due proportion to an end or use; unsuitableness; disparity; as, the disproportion of strength or …

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disproportion ENGLISH

To make unsuitable in quantity, form, or fitness to an end; to violate symmetry in; to mismatch; to join unfitly.

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Not having due proportion to something else; not having proportion or symmetry of parts; unsuitable in form, quantity or value; …

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In a disproportional manner; unsuitably in form, quantity, or value; unequally.

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