"Disproportion" is a word in ENGLISH

disproportion ENGLISH

Want of suitableness, adequacy, or due proportion to
an end or use; unsuitableness; disparity; as, the disproportion of
strength or means to an object.

disproportion ENGLISH

To make unsuitable in quantity, form, or fitness
to an end; to violate symmetry in; to mismatch; to join unfitly.

disproportion ENGLISH

Want of proportion in form or quantity; lack of
symmetry; as, the arm may be in disproportion to the body; the
disproportion of the length of a building to its height.

Few words of positivity

I had one of those headaches. It kept pounding and got into that crazy realm where the guillotine seems like a good idea.

Patti Smith, Woolgathering

Laugh your heart out.

When is an English teacher like a judge? When she hands out long sentences.

Want of correspondence; disagreement; disproportion.

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inequality ENGLISH

The quality of being unequal; difference, or want of equality, in any respect; lack of uniformity; disproportion; unevenness; disparity; diversity; …

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inequality ENGLISH

Disproportion to any office or purpose; inadequacy; competency; as, the inequality of terrestrial things to the wants of a rational …

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