"Dispositive" is a word in ENGLISH

dispositive ENGLISH

Disposing; tending to regulate; decretive.

dispositive ENGLISH

Belonging to disposition or natural, tendency.

Few words of positivity

The horror of Hell is an echo of the infinite worth of God's glory.

John Piper

Laugh your heart out.

A Pittsburgh steel worker was driving through northern California's apple country. He stopped at an orchard and asked the owner, "How much are yer apples?" "All you can pick for one dollar," said the rancher. "Okay," said the Pennsylvanian. "I'll take two dollars' worth."

aggressive ENGLISH

Tending or disposed to aggress; characterized by aggression; making assaults; unjustly attacking; as, an aggressive policy, war, person, nation.

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conservative ENGLISH

Tending or disposed to maintain existing institutions; opposed to change or innovation.

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incline ENGLISH

Fig.: To lean or tend, in an intellectual or moral sense; to favor an opinion, a course of conduct, or …

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peaceful ENGLISH

Not disposed or tending to war, tumult or agitation; pacific; mild; calm; peaceable; as, peaceful words.

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propend ENGLISH

To lean toward a thing; to be favorably inclined or disposed; to incline; to tend.

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transgressive ENGLISH

Disposed or tending to transgress; faulty; culpable. -

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