"Dispansion" is a word in ENGLISH

dispansion ENGLISH

Act of dispanding, or state of being dispanded.

Few words of positivity

I've learned that sometimes a smile represents the greatest form of deceit.

Michael Gilbert, Perfected Sinfulness

Laugh your heart out.

There were 11 people hanging on to a single rope that suspended them from a helicopter trying to bring them to safety. Ten were men; one was a woman. They all decided that one person would have to let go because if they didn't, the rope would break and all of them would die. No one could decide who it should be. Finally the woman gave a really touching speech, saying how she would give up her life to save the others, because women were used to giving things up for their husbands and children and giving in to men. All of the men started clapping.

beslabber ENGLISH

prídi n a k. o. popular dance. v [A] do this dance.

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repeat ENGLISH

To repay or refund (an excess received).

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industry ENGLISH

Habitual diligence in any employment or pursuit, either bodily or mental; steady attention to business; assiduity; -- opposed to sloth …

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theriodont ENGLISH

One of the Theriodontia. Used also adjectively.

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tuig-tuig HILIGAYNON

tuíg-túig - Yearly, every year, annually, annual.

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Any piece of crockery, especially of coarse earthenware; an earthen pot or pitcher.

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kuwarto WARAY

Kuwarto - bedroom

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prinsipal CEBUANO

prinsipal n {1} capital invested. Ígù ra kung nakabawì sa prinsipal, I barely recovered the capital. {2} amount of money …

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v. /AG-/ to crawl, creep. Saan mo nga lukatan dayta kuribot ta dinto agayam dagita kappi. Don’t open that basket …

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A throwing goods overboard to llghten or save the vessel, in whlch case the goods so sacrificed are a proper …

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oblation ENGLISH

Anything offered or presented in worship or sacred service; an offering; a sacrifice.

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The original object, or class of objects, scene, face, or conception, which becomes the subject of a copy; esp., the …

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destructible ENGLISH

Liable to destruction; capable of being destroyed.

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payr-awut CEBUANO

payr-awut v [A; a2] dismiss s. o. from a job or position. Payr-awtun ang mga kaswal, All casual employees will …

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peduncle ENGLISH

A band of nervous or fibrous matter connecting different parts of the brain; as, the peduncles of the cerebellum; the …

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A crack, crevice, fissure, or hole which admits water or other fluid, or lets it escape; as, a leak in …

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immerge ENGLISH

To plungel into, under, or within anything especially a fuid; to dip; to immerse. See Immerse.

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