"Disobligatory" is a word in ENGLISH

disobligatory ENGLISH

Releasing from obligation.

Few words of positivity

From the beginning, Europe assumed the power to make decisions within the international trading system. An excellent illustration of that is the fact that the so-called international law which governed the conduct of nations on the high seas was nothing else but European law. Africans did not participate in its making, and in many instances, African people were simply the victims, for the law recognized them only as transportable merchandise. If the African slave was thrown overboard at sea, the only legal problem that arose was whether or not the slave ship could claim compensation from the insurers! Above all, European decision-making power was exercised in selecting what Africa should export – in accordance with European needs. Pg. 77

Walter Rodney, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

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absolve ENGLISH

To set free, or release, as from some obligation, debt, or responsibility, or from the consequences of guilt or such …

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acceptilation ENGLISH

Gratuitous discharge; a release from debt or obligation without payment; free remission.

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acquit ENGLISH

To set free, release or discharge from an obligation, duty, liability, burden, or from an accusation or charge; -- now …

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To release, absolve, or dis-charge one from an obligation or a liability; or to legally certify the lnnocence of one …

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In contracts. A release, absolution, or discharge from an obligation, liability, or engagement

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acquittance ENGLISH

The clearing off of debt or obligation; a release or discharge from debt or other liability.

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Acquittance LAW AND LEGAL

In contracts. A writ-ten discharge, whereby one ls freed from an obligation to pay money or perform a duty. It …

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discharge ENGLISH

That which discharges or releases from an obligation, liability, penalty, etc., as a price of ransom, a legal document.

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disobligation ENGLISH

Release from obligation.

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disoblige ENGLISH

To release from obligation.

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disobligement ENGLISH

Release from obligation.

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excuse ENGLISH

To free from an impending obligation or duty; hence, to disengage; to dispense with; to release by favor; also, to …

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exempt ENGLISH

To release or deliver from some liability which others are subject to; to except or excuse from he operation of …

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Released from obligation, charge, penalty, etc.; free; clear; absolved; acquitted.

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To release from obligation, accusation, penalty, or the like; to absolve; to acquit.

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release ENGLISH

Discharge from obligation or responsibility, as from debt, penalty, or claim of any kind; acquittance.

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release ENGLISH

To loosen; to relax; to remove the obligation of; as, to release an ordinance.

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release ENGLISH

To relieve from something that confines, burdens, or oppresses, as from pain, trouble, obligation, penalty.

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releasement ENGLISH

The act of releasing, as from confinement or obligation.

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remission ENGLISH

Discharge from that which is due; relinquishment of a claim, right, or obligation; pardon of transgression; release from forfeiture, penalty, …

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