"Dishonestly" is a word in ENGLISH

dishonestly ENGLISH

In a dishonest manner.

Few words of positivity

You can bomb the world to pieces, but you can't bomb it into peace. Power to the peaceful.

Michael Franti

Laugh your heart out.

Pa's being chased by a bull! Well, what in tarnation do you want me to do about it? Get me some film for my camera!

abstract ENGLISH

To take secretly or dishonestly; to purloin; as, to abstract goods from a parcel, or money from a till.

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baliku CEBUANO

balikù a {1} crooked, not straight. {2} crooked, dishonest. Ba-likung pulitiku, Crooked politician. v [AB; a12] be, make s.t. crooked. …

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barratry ENGLISH

A fraudulent breach of duty or willful act of known illegality on the part of a master of a ship, …

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bubble ENGLISH

Anything that wants firmness or solidity; that which is more specious than real; a false show; a cheat or fraud; …

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bulsa n {1} pocket. Rilu dibulsa, Pocket watch. {2} cavity in a fishing net which holds the fish. {3} an …

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convert ENGLISH

To apply to any use by a diversion from the proper or intended use; to appropriate dishonestly or illegally.

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conveyance ENGLISH

Dishonest management, or artifice.

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covinous ENGLISH

Deceitful; collusive; fraudulent; dishonest.

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To make notes for dishonest use in recitation or examination.

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crooked ENGLISH

False; dishonest; fraudulent; as, crooked dealings.

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cucking stool ENGLISH

A kind of chair formerly used for punishing scolds, and also dishonest tradesmen, by fastening them in it, usually in …

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dimatarung HILIGAYNON

dîmatárung - Unjust, wrong, dishonest, inequitable, not right, unfair, injurious, wicked, bad. (dî, matárung).

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dishonest ENGLISH

Dishonorable; shameful; indecent; unchaste; lewd.

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dishonest ENGLISH

Characterized by fraud; indicating a want of probity; knavish; fraudulent; unjust.

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dishonest ENGLISH

Wanting in honesty; void of integrity; faithless; disposed to cheat or defraud; not trustworthy; as, a dishonest man.

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dishonest ENGLISH

Dishonored; disgraced; disfigured.

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dishonest ENGLISH

To disgrace; to dishonor; as, to dishonest a maid.

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dishonesty ENGLISH

Violation of trust or of justice; fraud; any deviation from probity; a dishonest act.

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Not conformed to the established rules and customs of a game, conflict, test, etc.; unfair; dishonest; dishonorable; cheating; as, foul …

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fraudulent ENGLISH

Using fraud; trickly; deceitful; dishonest.

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