"Disentail" is a word in ENGLISH

disentail ENGLISH

To free from entailment.

Few words of positivity

He searched for my gaze and the second he found it, I cracked a smile. “There it is.” He palmed his chest again and sighed. “All is right in the world again.

Shelly Crane, Undeniably Chosen

Laugh your heart out.

Teacher: You've been e-mailing other pupils that I'm ugly!Pupil: Sorry, miss, I didn't realise you wanted to keep it a secret.

Articulation, usually that kind of articulation which admits of free motion in the joint; diarthrosis.

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abierto - (Sp. abierto) Open, accessible, affording free entrance or passage. Abierto ang bintánà, alágyan, etc. The window is open, …

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absolbér - (Sp. absolver) To absolve, acquit, declare free. A, kon amó inâ, índì akó makaabsolbér sa ímo. Oh, if …

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absolution ENGLISH

An absolving, or setting free from guilt, sin, or penalty; forgiveness of an offense.

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absolve ENGLISH

To set free, or release, as from some obligation, debt, or responsibility, or from the consequences of guilt or such …

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absolve ENGLISH

To free from a penalty; to pardon; to remit (a sin); -- said of the sin or guilt.

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abstemious ENGLISH

Sparing in diet; refraining from a free use of food and strong drinks; temperate; abstinent; sparing in the indulgence of …

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absuélto - (Sp. absuelto) Absolved, acquitted, declared free. Also used as a verb. Ginabsueltohán siá sang hukóm. He was acquitted …

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acceptilation ENGLISH

Gratuitous discharge; a release from debt or obligation without payment; free remission.

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accordion ENGLISH

A small, portable, keyed wind instrument, whose tones are generated by play of the wind upon free metallic reeds.

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accurate ENGLISH

In exact or careful conformity to truth, or to some standard of requirement, the result of care or pains; free …

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achromatic ENGLISH

Free from color; transmitting light without decomposing it into its primary colors.

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acquit ENGLISH

To set free, release or discharge from an obligation, duty, liability, burden, or from an accusation or charge; -- now …

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acquit ENGLISH

Acquitted; set free; rid of.

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acquittal ENGLISH

A setting free, or deliverance from the charge of an offense, by verdict of a jury or sentence of a …

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adelocodonic ENGLISH

Applied to sexual zooids of hydroids, that have a saclike form and do not become free; -- opposed to phanerocodonic.

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adipen ILOKANO

n. slave; servant. v. /MANG-:-EN/ to enslave; to force (someone) to serve free. Isu ti nangadipen kanyak. He was the …

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At large; at liberty; free, or unconflned. Ire ad largum, to go at large. Plowd. 37

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advocate ENGLISH

One who defends, vindicates, or espouses any cause by argument; a pleader; as, an advocate of free trade, an advocate …

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aeration ENGLISH

Exposure to the free action of the air; airing; as, aeration of soil, of spawn, etc.

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