"Discrimination" is a word in ENGLISH

discrimination ENGLISH

The state of being discriminated, distinguished, or
set apart.

discrimination ENGLISH

The arbitrary imposition of unequal tariffs for
substantially the same service.

discrimination ENGLISH

The quality of being discriminating; faculty of
nicely distinguishing; acute discernment; as, to show great
discrimination in the choice of means.

discrimination ENGLISH

The act of discriminating, distinguishing, or
noting and marking differences.

discrimination ENGLISH

That which discriminates; mark of distinction.

Few words of positivity

Time had taught him that whether his sins were pardoned or left unforgiven, they would remain committed. Tomorrow he would hopefully choose wiser, with a stronger measure of compassion.

Roy L. Pickering Jr., Patches Of Grey

Laugh your heart out.

One day a drunk walked into a bar and ordered a gin and tonic. He drank half of it and poured the rest on the bartender. The bartender got angry, grabbed the drunk by the collar, pulled him close to his face, and asked, "Why did you do that?" The drunk said very apologetically, "I am so very sorry sir. Please forgive me. I can't help it. It's an illness I can't get rid of. I am so ashamed of it. How can I make it up to you?" The bartender answered, "Haven't you seen anyone about this problem?" The drunk replied, "I never thought of that. Maybe I will." The bartender said, "Don't come back until you do get help," and the drunk left. About three months later the drunk came back to the same bar, ordered another gin and tonic, drank half of it, and poured the rest of it on the bartender. The bartender shouted, "I thought I told you not to come back until you got help!" The drunk replied, "I did. Now I don't feel ashamed."

acumen ENGLISH

Quickness of perception or discernment; penetration of mind; the faculty of nice discrimination.

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acutely ENGLISH

In an acute manner; sharply; keenly; with nice discrimination.

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anatomize ENGLISH

To discriminate minutely or carefully; to analyze.

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bigbig ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to recognize or discriminate people. Ammo na ti agbigbig dayta anak mon. Your child already knows how to …

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choice ENGLISH

Care in selecting; judgment or skill in distinguishing what is to be preferred, and in giving a preference; discrimination.

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Able to perceive clearly; keen; acute; penetrating; discriminating; as, a clear intellect; a clear head.

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compare ENGLISH

To examine the character or qualities of, as of two or more persons or things, for the purpose of discovering …

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Conscienoe LAW AND LEGAL

The moral sense; the faculty of judging the moral qualities of ac-tious, or of discriminating between right aud wrong; particularly …

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delicacy ENGLISH

Nice and refined perception and discrimination; critical niceness; fastidious accuracy.

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delicate ENGLISH

Nicely discriminating or perceptive; refinedly critical; sensitive; exquisite; as, a delicate taste; a delicate ear for music.

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demarcate ENGLISH

To mark by bounds; to set the limits of; to separate; to discriminate.

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despecificate ENGLISH

To discriminate; to separate according to specific signification or qualities; to specificate; to desynonymize.

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desynonymize ENGLISH

To deprive of synonymous character; to discriminate in use; -- applied to words which have been employed as synonyms.

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dialectics ENGLISH

That branch of logic which teaches the rules and modes of reasoning; the application of logical principles to discursive reasoning; …

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differential ENGLISH

Relating to or indicating a difference; creating a difference; discriminating; special; as, differential characteristics; differential duties; a differential rate.

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differentiate ENGLISH

To express the specific difference of; to describe the properties of (a thing) whereby it is differenced from another of …

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Diplomatics LAW AND LEGAL

The science of diplo-mas, or of ancient writings and documents; the art of judging of ancient charters, public documents, diplomas, …

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discern ENGLISH

To see and identify by noting a difference or differences; to note the distinctive character of; to discriminate; to distinguish.

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discernment ENGLISH

The power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another; power of viewing differences in …

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