"Disconvenience" is a word in ENGLISH

disconvenience ENGLISH

Unsuitableness; incongruity.

Few words of positivity

It is indeed a curse to dream as you walk amongst the dreamless

rassool jibraeel snyman

Laugh your heart out.

A soldier keeps a mug upside down and tells the sergeant:- I can't drink from this mug. It has no opening.The sergeant examines the mug and says:- You are right. And besides this, it has no bottom.

discongruity ENGLISH

Incongruity; disagreement; unsuitableness.

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inconcinne ENGLISH

Dissimilar; incongruous; unsuitable.

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incongruity ENGLISH

The quality or state of being incongruous; want of congruity; unsuitableness; inconsistency; impropriety.

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incongruous ENGLISH

Not congruous; reciprocally disagreeing; not capable of harmonizing or readily assimilating; inharmonious; inappropriate; unsuitable; not fitting; inconsistent; improper; as, an …

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