"Discompose" is a word in ENGLISH

discompose ENGLISH

To put out of place or service; to discharge; to

discompose ENGLISH

To throw into disorder; to ruffle; to destroy the
composure or equanimity; to agitate.

discompose ENGLISH

To disarrange; to interfere with; to disturb; to
disorder; to unsettle; to break up.

Few words of positivity

Trust is that tiny thread that holds your brand together; when trust is torn or tampered with, you will have a broken brand; your business will fall.

Bernard Kelvin Clive

Laugh your heart out.

There is a new Barbie doll on the market - Chernobyl Barbie ...glows in the dark

analepsy ENGLISH

A species of epileptic attack, originating from gastric disorder.

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anarchy ENGLISH

Hence, confusion or disorder, in general.

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antistrumous ENGLISH

Good against scrofulous disorders.

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aphemia ENGLISH

Loss of the power of speaking, while retaining the power of writing; -- a disorder of cerebral origin.

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Disorder; irregularity.

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The state of disorder that characterizes nervous fevers and the nervous condition.

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aurist ENGLISH

One skilled in treating and curing disorders of the ear.

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ayri n air that gets into s. o. s body causing disorder. Kuyaw sa ayri nang paságad lag indiksiyun, If …

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babil a be bothered with s.t. s. o. is carrying. Ayaw pagdalag mga bátà kay babil ka unyà kaáyu, Dont …

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babylonical ENGLISH

Tumultuous; disorderly.

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balatiagon HILIGAYNON

balatiágon - (H) Feeling, sensation, sentiment, emotion. (cf. bátiag). balatían. Disease, illness, sickness, infirmity, ailment, complaint, disorder, malady, distemper, morbid …

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balinsungag CEBUANO

balinsúngag v [B1; c1] be placed with the ends in a random disorderly way. Ayaw balinsungága (ibalinsúngag) pagbutang ang mga …

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banaba CEBUANO

banaba n medium-sized tree of the secondary forest, also planted for its lilac or pink flowers. The leaves are commonly …

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baniká - To lie about in heaps, in disorder, higgledy-piggledy. Nagabaniká gid lang dirí ang mga lalábhan. The clothes to …

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barásag - Lying about in disorder; to be in disorder, higgledy-piggledy, mixed up; to lie about in confusion. Nagabarásag dirí …

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bedevil ENGLISH

To throw into utter disorder and confusion, as if by the agency of evil spirits; to bring under diabolical influence; …

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betumble ENGLISH

To throw into disorder; to tumble.

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bilious ENGLISH

Disordered in respect to the bile; troubled with an excess of bile; as, a bilious patient; dependent on, or characterized …

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blowzed ENGLISH

Having high color from exposure to the weather; ruddy-faced; blowzy; disordered.

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The state or quality of being boisterous; turbulence; disorder; tumultuousness.

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