"Disbase" is a word in ENGLISH

disbase ENGLISH

To debase or degrade.

Few words of positivity

No one is happy all his life long.


Laugh your heart out.

"Can I go outside and watch the solar eclipse?" asked Rupert. "Okay," replied his father, "but don't stand too close."

abject ENGLISH

To cast off or down; hence, to abase; to degrade; to lower; to debase.

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adulterate ENGLISH

Debased by the admixture of a foreign substance; adulterated; spurious.

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adulterate ENGLISH

To corrupt, debase, or make impure by an admixture of a foreign or a baser substance; as, to adulterate food, …

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adulteration ENGLISH

The act of adulterating; corruption, or debasement (esp. of food or drink) by foreign mixture.

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Adulteration LAW AND LEGAL

The act of corrupt-ing or debasing. The term is generally np-piied to the act of mixing up with food or …

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To abate, impair, or debase by mixture; to allay; as, to alloy pleasure with misfortunes.

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To abase or debase; to vilify; to depreciate.

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To reduce the value of; to debase.

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Alloyed with inferior metal; debased; as, base coin; base bullion.

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carnalize ENGLISH

To make carnal; to debase to carnality.

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corrupt ENGLISH

To change from good to bad; to vitiate; to deprave; to pervert; to debase; to defile.

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corrupt ENGLISH

To debase or render impure by alterations or innovations; to falsify; as, to corrupt language; to corrupt the sacred text.

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corrupt ENGLISH

Changed from a state of uprightness, correctness, truth, etc., to a worse state; vitiated; depraved; debased; perverted; as, corrupt language; …

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corruption ENGLISH

The act of corrupting or of impairing integrity, virtue, or moral principle; the state of being corrupted or debased; loss …

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debase ENGLISH

To reduce from a higher to a lower state or grade of worth, dignity, purity, station, etc.; to degrade; to …

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debased ENGLISH

Turned upside down from its proper position; inverted; reversed.

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debasement ENGLISH

The act of debasing or the state of being debased.

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debaser ENGLISH

One who, or that which, debases.

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