"Disassent" is a word in ENGLISH

disassent ENGLISH


disassent ENGLISH

To dissent.

Few words of positivity

You often meet your fate on the road you take to avoid it.

Goldie Hawn

Laugh your heart out.

What's the difference between Windows 95 and a virus? A virus does something.

bethel ENGLISH

A chapel for dissenters.

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On the contrary; on the other hand; only; yet; still; however; nevertheless; more; further; -- as connective of sentences or …

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chapel ENGLISH

In England, a place of worship used by dissenters from the Established Church; a meetinghouse.

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To agree; accord; consent In the practice of appellate courts, a “con-curring opinion" ls one filed by one of the …

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conformist ENGLISH

One who conforms or complies; esp., one who conforms to the Church of England, or to the Established Church, as …

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conventicle ENGLISH

An assembly for religious worship; esp., such an assembly held privately, as in times of persecution, by Nonconformists or Dissenters …

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Conventicle LAW AND LEGAL

A private assembly or meetlng for the exercise of religion. Tbe word was first an appellation of reproach to the …

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disassenter ENGLISH

One who disassents; a dissenter.

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discosent ENGLISH

To differ; to disagree; to dissent.

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dispute ENGLISH

To oppose by argument or assertion; to attempt to overthrow; to controvert; to express dissent or opposition to; to call …

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dissent ENGLISH

The act of dissenting; difference of opinion; refusal to adopt something proposed; nonagreement, nonconcurrence, or disagreement.

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dissent ENGLISH

To differ in opinion; to be of unlike or contrary sentiment; to disagree; -- followed by from.

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dissent ENGLISH

To differ from an established church in regard to doctrines, rites, or government.

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dissent ENGLISH

Separation from an established church, especially that of England; nonconformity.

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dissent ENGLISH

To differ; to be of a contrary nature.

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dissent ENGLISH

Contrariety of nature; diversity in quality.

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Contrariety of opinion; re-fusal to agree with something already stated or adjudged or to an act previously per-formed

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dissenter ENGLISH

One who separates from the service and worship of an established church; especially, one who disputes the authority or tenets …

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