"Dimukrasya" is a word in CEBUANO

dimukrasya CEBUANO

dimukrasya n democracy.

Few words of positivity

No one is happy all his life long.


Laugh your heart out.

Why did Bossy tell the cowpoke to leave her calf alone? She thought children should be seen and not herded!

The quality of being incompressible, or incapable of reduction in volume by pressure; -- formerly supposed to be a property …

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barumbada HILIGAYNON

barumbáda - To shake to and fro, wave, brandish, flourish; to walk about aimlessly, to wander about, to go from …

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bullbeggar ENGLISH

Something used or suggested to produce terror, as in children or persons of weak mind; a bugbear.

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reinvestigate ENGLISH

To investigate again.

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To enter, as polls or persons, in a list or register; to enroll, esp. for purposes of taxation; to enumerate …

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tugálpò - Fizzle; to detonate with a weak report, to fizz out, fizzle (out), emit a dull boom; weak; dull, …

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nitrocalcite ENGLISH

Nitrate of calcium, a substance having a grayish white color, occuring in efforescences on old walls, and in limestone caves, …

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handanaw CEBUANO

handánaw = alindánaw. handay v [A; c1] {1} place s.t. long athwart s.t. long. Akuy muhanday sa ímung buktun sa …

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gloriosa ENGLISH

A genus of climbing plants with very showy lilylike blossoms, natives of India.

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huéting - A kind of lottery, a game of chance, jueteng.

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form of DAYTOY postposed to a noun expressing emphasis. ITSURA [f. Sp.], n. form, figure, appearance, feature, mien.

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Since; inasmuch as.

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trilling ENGLISH

One of tree children born at the same birth.

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kadisnun CEBUANO

kadisnun = kardába.

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suleng ILOKANO

adj. /NA-/ half-blind. v. /MA-/ to be half-blind.

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coursing ENGLISH

The pursuit or running game with dogs that follow by sight instead of by scent.

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tactual ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the sense, or the organs, of touch; derived from touch.

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string ENGLISH

A nerve or tendon of an animal body.

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waybill ENGLISH

A list of passengers in a public vehicle, or of the baggage or gods transported by a common carrier on …

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