"Diminishment" is a word in ENGLISH

diminishment ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

People recognize certain things, like 'D' means 'this dialogue stinks.' We're dealing with shows that are written here, shot in New York and posted back here. Accurate communication is a necessity.

Dick Wolf

Laugh your heart out.

Cop: Why didn't you stop when I shouted at you back there?Motorist: I thought you were saying "Good morning, Mr. Mayor."Cop: Right. I wanted to warn you about going too fast through the next town.

abatement ENGLISH

The act of abating, or the state of being abated; a lessening, diminution, or reduction; removal or putting an end …

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abridgment ENGLISH

The act of abridging, or the state of being abridged; diminution; lessening; reduction or deprivation; as, an abridgment of pleasures …

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addition ENGLISH

The act of adding two or more things together; -- opposed to subtraction or diminution.

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A diminutive person; so called in allusion to the small figures cut in agate for rings and seals.

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antigalastic ENGLISH

Causing a diminution or a suppression of the secretion of milk.

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apoplexy ENGLISH

Sudden diminution or loss of consciousness, sensation, and voluntary motion, usually caused by pressure on the brain.

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astheny ENGLISH

Want or loss of strength; debility; diminution of the vital forces.

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atrophy ENGLISH

A wasting away from want of nourishment; diminution in bulk or slow emaciation of the body or of any part.

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attenuation ENGLISH

The process of weakening in intensity; diminution of virulence; as, the attenuation of virus.

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augmentative ENGLISH

A word which expresses with augmented force the idea or the properties of the term from which it is derived; …

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barbellulate ENGLISH

Barbellate with diminutive hairs or barbs.

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barrulet ENGLISH

A diminutive of the bar, having one fourth its width.

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bassiusit ILOKANO

adj. very small, very little, very few; diminutive. Bassiusit la ti tao nga immay. Only very few people came. --var. …

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batement ENGLISH

Abatement; diminution.

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báwas - See báw-as. Also: Diminution, lessening, decrease; to diminish, lessen, decrease. (cf. búhin).

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búhin - Diminution, reduction, deduction, subtraction, lessening; to lessen, diminish, reduce, deduct, subtract, take off. Nagaamát-amát sang búhin ang humáy. …

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bulilit ILOKANO

adj. small, dwarfish, diminutive.

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buluhinon HILIGAYNON

buluhinón - (H) Diminution, decrease; the part, number or amount that is to be taken from a larger whole.

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chicky ENGLISH

A chicken; -- used as a diminutive or pet name, especially in calling fowls.

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