"Diminishable" is a word in ENGLISH

diminishable ENGLISH

Capable of being diminished or lessened.

Few words of positivity

Those who can win a war well can rarely make a good peace and those who could make a good peace would never have won the war.

Winston Churchill

Laugh your heart out.

Men are like placemats. They only show up when there's food on the table.

nitter ENGLISH

The horselouse; an insect that deposits nits on horses.

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Absence of mind; revery.

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Level, smooth, or equal in surface; not rough; free from irregularities; hence uniform in rate of motion of action; as, …

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vaticination ENGLISH

Prediction; prophecy.

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In respect to circumstances; not essentially; accidentally.

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generalship ENGLISH

Fig.: Leadership; management.

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incline ENGLISH

To bend; to cause to stoop or bow; as, to incline the head or the body in acts of reverence …

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cadillac ENGLISH

A large pear, shaped like a flattened top, used chiefly for cooking.

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One of a family (Lemuridae) of nocturnal mammals allied to the monkeys, but of small size, and having a sharp …

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To take off in thin layers or scales, as tartar from the teeth; to pare off, as a surface.

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insociable ENGLISH

Incapable of being associated, joined, or connected.

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temperateness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being temperate; moderateness; temperance.

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Borgh Of Hamhald LAW AND LEGAL

In old Scotch law. A pledge or surety given by the seller of goods to the buyer, to make the …

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searcer ENGLISH

A searce, or sieve.

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intextured ENGLISH

Inwrought; woven in.

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teneriffe ENGLISH

A white wine resembling Madeira in taste, but more tart, produced in Teneriffe, one of the Canary Islands; -- called …

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kalíng - Plough-handle, plough-tail.

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