"Dimasabi" is a word in HILIGAYNON


dîmasábi - Unknown and unknowable,
inexplicable, unfathomable; innumerable.
(dî, sábi; dîmasáysay, dîmatúngkad,

Few words of positivity

The bird of hope singsPerched on the branches of twilight;Never grieve for anythingFor, the day always follows the night!

Neelam Saxena Chandra

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why didn't Intel call the Pentium the 586?A: Because they added 486 and 100 on the first Pentium and got 585.999983605.

sea scorpion ENGLISH

A European sculpin (Cottus scorpius) having the head armed with short spines.

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púsgò - A mass, cluster; to form a— compact mass,—cluster, to be near—, close—, to come or gather close—, together, …

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particular ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a single person, class, or thing; belonging to one only; not general; not common; hence, personal; …

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In practice. Inferior; of inferior jurisdiction, or jurisdiction in the first instance. The court from which a cause is removed …

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siderite ENGLISH

Any plant of the genus Sideritis; ironwort.

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The surf duck or scoter. In the United States all the species of (/demia are called coots. See Scoter.

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buridu CEBUANO

burídu = aburídu.

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assignation ENGLISH

An appointment of time and place for meeting or interview; -- used chiefly of love interviews, and now commonly in …

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dadael ILOKANO

v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ to destroy, ruin, damage, spoil. Saan mo nga dadaelen dayta relos ko. Don’t destroy my watch. /MA-/ …

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instep ENGLISH

The arched middle portion of the human foot next in front of the ankle joint.

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cholagogue ENGLISH

An agent which promotes the discharge of bile from the system.

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lawgiver ENGLISH

One who makes or enacts a law or system of laws; a legislator.

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fraction ENGLISH

The act of breaking, or state of being broken, especially by violence.

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barter ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to get oneself drunk, to cause oneself to become drunk. Panawan ka no agbartek ka. I will leave …

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assoil ENGLISH

To set free from guilt; to absolve.

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forehand ENGLISH

The chief or most important part.

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balándra - To practise, drill, apply oneself to, be diligent. Kon mabalándra siá, magamaáyo siá nga manugtahî, manugkánta, etc. If …

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frippery ENGLISH

The trade or traffic in old clothes.

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