"Dignitary" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


RY. In canon law.- A person bolding an ecclesiastical benefice or dignity, which gave him some pre-eminence above mere priests and canons. To this class exclusively belonged all bishops, deans, arch-deacons, etc.; but lt now Includes all the prebendaries and canons of the church. Brande

dignitary ENGLISH

One who possesses exalted rank or holds a position of
dignity or honor; especially, one who holds an ecclesiastical rank
above that of a parochial priest or clergyman.

Few words of positivity

Immortality like this is about as useful as sunscreen on a submarine.

Elizabeth Marx, All's Fair in Vanity's War

Laugh your heart out.

An eighty year old couple decide to try for a child. They visit the doctor who asks the old geezer to produce a sperm sample in a bottle. After two weeks, the couple return and the bottle is empty. "What's the problem?" asks the doctor. "Well," says the old man, "First I tried it with my right hand, then my left. Then my wife tried it with her right hand, then her left. Then she tried it with her teeth in and with her teeth out, and we still can't get the lid off the bloody bottle."


In ecclesiastical law. In its technical sense, this term includes ec-clesiastical preferments to which rank or public office is attached, …

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In English law. An ecclesiastical court of formidable jurisdiction, for the vindication of the peace and dignity of the church, …

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Deprivation LAW AND LEGAL

In English ecclesiastical law. The taking away from a clergy-man his benefice or other spiritual promotion or dignity, either by …

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deprive ENGLISH

To divest of office; to depose; to dispossess of dignity, especially ecclesiastical.

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dignity ENGLISH

Elevated rank; honorable station; high office, political or ecclesiastical; degree of excellence; preferment; exaltation.

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monsignore ENGLISH

My lord; -- an ecclesiastical dignity bestowed by the pope, entitling the bearer to social and domestic rank at the …

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In ecclesiastical law. The holy orders of priest, deacon, and subdeacon, any of which qualified for presentation and admission to …

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In English ecclesiastical law. A stipend granted in cathedral church-es; also, but Improperly, a prebendary. A simple prebend ls merely …

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preconization ENGLISH

A formal approbation by the pope of a person nominated to an ecclesiastical dignity.

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primacy ENGLISH

The office, rank, or character of a primate; the chief ecclesiastical station or dignity in a national church; the office …

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