"Dienti" is a word in CHAVACANO


English: teeth
Tagalog: ngipin

Few words of positivity

I pictured the two of them alone. Perhaps showering together, as Rome and I liked to do. My stomach clenched painfully, amusement forgotten. “Cody, will you take me to the nearest clinic? I need someone to dig the knife out of my back. Lexis might need it again. And the good doctor might want to give me a tetanus shot. I think she bled on me.” Stunned silence. I often had that effect.

Gena Showalter, Twice as Hot

Laugh your heart out.

On a flight with EasyJet back in 1997 the pilot made what can only be describes as an extremely heavy landing at Luton. It was very early in the morning and a number of passenger around me looked quite alarmed as, apartfrom the noise, a number of overhead lockers dropped open and several items of carry-on luggage were launched down the aisle.After slowing up, the aircraft turned off the runway and turned towards the stand and over the PA came "Good morning ladies gentlemen, this is Captain Smith, welcome to Luton...and if any of you were asleep...I bet you're not now!"


panangâ - Freq. of tangâ—to look up, lift one’s eyes.

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ungót - Stuck deep (in mud, etc.); sunk in, fixed, secured. Ang piokós ungót gid sa íya bâbâ. The cigar …

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absolute ENGLISH

Pure; unmixed; as, absolute alcohol.

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futilely ENGLISH

In a futile manner.

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tarrier ENGLISH

One who, or that which, tarries.

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kilawen ILOKANO

n. a kind of meat dish.

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kahun n {1} box. {2} square or rectangular section in a rice paddy. Napúlù ka kahun ang íyang pilapilan, There …

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grábe - (Sp. grave) Grave, serious, dangerous, mortal, fatal, deadly, critical. Ang masakít grábe na. The sick person—is now seriously …

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stilliform ENGLISH

Having the form of a drop.

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spermato- ENGLISH

To furnish with a cog or cogs.

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break-up ENGLISH

Disruption; a separation and dispersion of the parts or members; as, a break-up of an assembly or dinner party; a …

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otoba fat ENGLISH

A colorless buttery substance obtained from the fruit of Myristica otoba, a species of nutmeg tree.

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nonexistence ENGLISH

A thing that has no existence.

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Either one of two asclepiadaceous shrubs (Calotropis gigantea, and C. procera), which furnish a strong and valuable fiber. The acrid …

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cringer ENGLISH

One who cringes.

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The refuse of alum works.

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