"Detracter" is a word in ENGLISH

detracter ENGLISH

One who detracts; a detractor.

Few words of positivity

Spontaneity is the quality of being able to do something just because you feel like it at the moment of trusting your instincts of taking yourself by surprise and snatching from the clutches of your well-organized routine a bit of unscheduled pleasure.

Richard Iannelli

Laugh your heart out.

How can you tell a Minnesota hockey fan? Ask him what color the blue line is and wait. It may take him ten minutes to answer.


atúbang - The position directly before a person or thing, front, face; to face, stand before, confront. Sa atúbang maáyo …

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backbite ENGLISH

To wound by clandestine detraction; to censure meanly or spitefully (an absent person); to slander or speak evil of (one …

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detracor ENGLISH

One who detracts; a derogator; a defamer.

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detract ENGLISH

To take away a part or something, especially from one's credit; to lessen reputation; to derogate; to defame; -- often …

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Detraction LAW AND LEGAL

The removal of prop-erty from one state to another upon a transfer of the tltle to It by will or …

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kunu short form: nu {1} it is said, s. o. said. Namatay kunu ag pilútu, They say the pilot died. …

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malibakon HILIGAYNON

malibákon - Detracting, disparaging, backbiting, scandal-mongering, talebearing, talking evil of one’s neighbour. (cf. libák).

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