"Detach" is a word in ENGLISH

detach ENGLISH

To push asunder; to come off or separate from anything;
to disengage.

detach ENGLISH

To part; to separate or disunite; to disengage; -- the
opposite of attach; as, to detach the coats of a bulbous root from each
other; to detach a man from a leader or from a party.

detach ENGLISH

To separate for a special object or use; -- used
especially in military language; as, to detach a ship from a fleet, or
a company from a regiment.

Few words of positivity

One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.

Jeanne d'Arc

Laugh your heart out.

What is the difference between a locomotive engineer and a teacher?One minds the train, the other trains the mind.


A prefix in many words of Latin origin. It signifies from, away , separating, or departure, as in abduct, abstract, …

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abduction ENGLISH

The movement which separates a limb or other part from the axis, or middle line, of the body.

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ablative ENGLISH

Applied to one of the cases of the noun in Latin and some other languages, -- the fundamental meaning of …

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abruption ENGLISH

A sudden breaking off; a violent separation of bodies.

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abscession ENGLISH

A separating; removal; also, an abscess.

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abstract ENGLISH

Considered apart from any application to a particular object; separated from matter; existing in the mind only; as, abstract truth, …

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abstract ENGLISH

A state of separation from other things; as, to consider a subject in the abstract, or apart from other associated …

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abstract ENGLISH

To separate, as the more volatile or soluble parts of a substance, by distillation or other chemical processes. In this …

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abstract ENGLISH

To separate, as ideas, by the operation of the mind; to consider by itself; to contemplate separately, as a quality …

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abstract ENGLISH

To withdraw; to separate; to take away.

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abstract ENGLISH

Withdraw; separate.

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abstracted ENGLISH

Separated or disconnected; withdrawn; removed; apart.

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abstracted ENGLISH

Separated from matter; abstract; ideal.

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abstractedly ENGLISH

In an abstracted manner; separately; with absence of mind.

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abstraction ENGLISH

A separation of volatile parts by the act of distillation.

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abstraction ENGLISH

The act process of leaving out of consideration one or more properties of a complex object so as to attend …

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abstraction ENGLISH

The act of abstracting, separating, or withdrawing, or the state of being withdrawn; withdrawal.

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abstraction ENGLISH

A separation from worldly objects; a recluse life; as, a hermit's abstraction.

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abstractively ENGLISH

In a abstract manner; separately; in or by itself.

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abstractly ENGLISH

In an abstract state or manner; separately; absolutely; by itself; as, matter abstractly considered.

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