"Destituteness" is a word in ENGLISH

destituteness ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

You are like the kid who even cannot understand the different between a kiss on the cheek and a kiss on the lips simple and devoted unlike the rest of the world.


Laugh your heart out.

What do witches use pencil sharpeners for?To keep their hats pointed.

absence ENGLISH

Want; destitution; withdrawal.

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acerous ENGLISH

Destitute of tentacles, as certain mollusks.

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anacanths ENGLISH

A group of teleostean fishes destitute of spiny fin-rays, as the cod.

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anandrous ENGLISH

Destitute of stamens, as certain female flowers.

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anantherous ENGLISH

Destitute of anthers.

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ananthous ENGLISH

Destitute of flowers; flowerless.

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anenterous ENGLISH

Destitute of a stomach or an intestine.

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anhydrous ENGLISH

Destitute of water; as, anhydrous salts or acids.

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anurous ENGLISH

Destitute of a tail, as the frogs and toads.

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apathist ENGLISH

One who is destitute of feeling.

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apellous ENGLISH

Destitute of skin.

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aphyllous ENGLISH

Destitute of leaves, as the broom rape, certain euphorbiaceous plants, etc.

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A group of cirripeds, destitute of footlike organs.

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apodal ENGLISH

Destitute of the ventral fin, as the eels.

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apodes ENGLISH

A group of holothurians destitute of suckers. See Apneumona.

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apterous ENGLISH

Destitute of winglike membranous expansions, as a stem or petiole; -- opposed to alate.

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apterous ENGLISH

Destitute of wings; apteral; as, apterous insects.

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armless ENGLISH

Destitute of arms or weapons.

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arrhizous ENGLISH

Destitute of a true root, as a parasitical plant.

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asílu n asylum for orphans, destitute people. asíman = ulasíman.

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