"Desponsation" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH

Desponsation LAW AND LEGAL

The act of betroth-ing persons to each other

desponsation ENGLISH

A betrothing; betrothal.

Few words of positivity

Its time we woke up,” pursued Gerald, still inwardly urged to unfamiliar speech. “Women are pretty much people, seems to me. I know they dress like fools - but who’s to blame for that? We invent all those idiotic hats of theirs, and design their crazy fashions, and what’s more, if a woman is courageous enough to wear common-sense clothes - and shoes - which of us wants to dance with her?

Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Stories

Laugh your heart out.

How do warty witches keep their hair out of place? With scare spray.

affiance ENGLISH

To betroth; to pledge one's faith to for marriage, or solemnly promise (one's self or another) in marriage.

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To betroth or espouse; to affiance.

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ágad - To serve, especially applied to prospective husbands serving for their betrothed. Nagapangágad na siá dídto. He is serving …

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assurance ENGLISH

Betrothal; affiance.

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assure ENGLISH

To affiance; to betroth.

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betroth ENGLISH

To nominate to a bishopric, in order to consecration.

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betroth ENGLISH

To contract to any one for a marriage; to engage or promise in order to marriage; to affiance; -- used …

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betroth ENGLISH

To promise to take (as a future spouse); to plight one's troth to.

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betrothal ENGLISH

The act of betrothing, or the fact of being betrothed; a mutual promise, engagement, or contract for a future marriage …

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betrothment ENGLISH

The act of betrothing, or the state of being betrothed; betrothal.

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Betrothment LAW AND LEGAL

Mutual promise of marriage; the plighting of troth; a mutual promise or contract between a man and woman competent to …

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búya n agreement between parents to betroth their young or unborn children. v [A; ac] betroth unborn or young children. …

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combinate ENGLISH

United; joined; betrothed.

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contract ENGLISH

The act of formally betrothing a man and woman.

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contract ENGLISH

Contracted; affianced; betrothed.

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contract ENGLISH

To betroth; to affiance.

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contracted ENGLISH

Bargained for; betrothed; as, a contracted peace.

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couple ENGLISH

A male and female associated together; esp., a man and woman who are married or betrothed.

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