"Depressomotor" is a word in ENGLISH

depressomotor ENGLISH

Depressing or diminishing the capacity for movement,
as depressomotor nerves, which lower or inhibit muscular activity.

depressomotor ENGLISH

Any agent that depresses the activity of the motor
centers, as bromides, etc.

Few words of positivity

They've got no idea what happiness is, they don't know that without this love there is no happiness or unhappiness for us--there is no life.

Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

Laugh your heart out.

An old drunk stumbles into a confessional. After not hearing anythingfor a while thePriest knocked on the wall. The drunk said forget it buddy there's nopaper in here either.

depress ENGLISH

To lessen the activity of; to make dull; embarrass, as trade, commerce, etc.

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To deprive of liveliness or activity; to render heavy; to make inert; to depress; to weary; to sadden.

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reaction ENGLISH

An action induced by vital resistance to some other action; depression or exhaustion of vital force consequent on overexertion or …

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