"Deploringly" is a word in ENGLISH

deploringly ENGLISH

In a deploring manner.

Few words of positivity

The secret to becoming wealthy and successful is thinking wealthy and successful!

Stephen Richards, Six Figure Success: Time To Think Big - You Can Do It

Laugh your heart out.

Caller: Operator! Operator! I don't know what's wrong with my phone, but I can't make long distance calls any longer! Operator: Don't worry. Your long distance calls are long enough already!

balakhoon HILIGAYNON

balakhóon - (H) Lamentable, grievous, deplorable, to be grieved at; grief, sorrow, weeping. (cf. bákhò, hilibíon).

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beweep ENGLISH

To weep over; to deplore; to bedew with tears.

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deplorable ENGLISH

Worthy of being deplored or lamented; lamentable; causing grief; hence, sad; calamitous; grievous; wretched; as, life's evils are deplorable.

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State of being deplorable.

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deplorably ENGLISH

In a deplorable manner.

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deploration ENGLISH

The act of deploring or lamenting; lamentation.

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deplore ENGLISH

To regard as hopeless; to give up.

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deplore ENGLISH

To feel or to express deep and poignant grief for; to bewail; to lament; to mourn; to sorrow over.

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deplore ENGLISH
deploredness ENGLISH

The state of being deplored or deplorable.

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deplorre ENGLISH

One who deplores.

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kalahanusboan HILIGAYNON

kalahanusboán - (H) Grief, sorrow, pity, commiseration, sympathy; things that excite pity or compassion, pitiable, woeful, lamentable, sad, distressful, deplorable, …

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makangingilin HILIGAYNON

makangingílin - Regrettable, deplorable, exciting regret or sorrow for the loss of something valuable, causing remorse. (ngílin).

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