"Depicted" is a word in ENGLISH

depicted ENGLISH

of Depict

Few words of positivity

It is never about who is right or wrong, it is about what is best.

Steve Backley, The Champion in all of Us: 12 Rules for Success

Laugh your heart out.

I'd like to buy a bed, please. Certainly, madam. Spring mattress?Oh, no! I want to be able to use it all year.

action ENGLISH

The attitude or position of the several parts of the body as expressive of the sentiment or passion depicted.

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aliluya CEBUANO

alilúya n {1} alleluia, song in the church. {2} the name given to the child playing the role of the …

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Armorial Bearings LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. A device depicted on the (now imagi-nary) shield of one of the nobility, of which gentry is …

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bilin n nativity scene depicted in a crèche. v [A13; b6] make, put a crèche s.w.

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blazon ENGLISH

To depict in colors; to display; to exhibit conspicuously; to publish or make public far and wide.

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blazon ENGLISH

The art or act of describing or depicting heraldic bearings in the proper language or manner.

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blottesque ENGLISH

Characterized by blots or heavy touches; coarsely depicted; wanting in delineation.

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cosmosphere ENGLISH

An apparatus for showing the position of the earth, at any given time, with respect to the fixed stars. It …

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depaint ENGLISH

To paint; to picture; hence, to describe; to delineate in words; to depict.

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depict ENGLISH

To represent in words; to describe vividly.

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depict ENGLISH

To form a colored likeness of; to represent by a picture; to paint; to portray.

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depiction ENGLISH

A painting or depicting; a representation.

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depicture ENGLISH

To make a picture of; to paint; to picture; to depict.

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A composition, in prose or poetry, accommodated to action, and intended to exhibit a picture of human life, or to …

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To represent by lines drawn; to form a sketch or a picture of; to represent by a picture; to delineate; …

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drawer ENGLISH

One who delineates or depicts; a draughtsman; as, a good drawer.

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emblazon ENGLISH

To depict or represent; -- said of heraldic bearings. See Blazon.

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