"Dephlegmatory" is a word in ENGLISH

dephlegmatory ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or producing, dephlegmation.

Few words of positivity

I was stupid, mad and dead, but the Lord Jesus saved me from my stupidity.

Oppong Amankwaa

Laugh your heart out.

What European capital has the most ghosts? Boodapest!

acetic ENGLISH

Of a pertaining to vinegar; producing vinegar; producing vinegar; as, acetic fermentation.

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aeolian ENGLISH

Pertaining to Aeolus, the mythic god of the winds; pertaining to, or produced by, the wind; aerial.

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aerial ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the air, or atmosphere; inhabiting or frequenting the air; produced by or found in the air; …

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amatory ENGLISH

Pertaining to, producing, or expressing, sexual love; as, amatory potions.

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ambreic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to ambrein; -- said of a certain acid produced by digesting ambrein in nitric acid.

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anarchical ENGLISH

Pertaining to anarchy; without rule or government; in political confusion; tending to produce anarchy; as, anarchic despotism; anarchical opinions.

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anemographic ENGLISH

Produced by an anemograph; of or pertaining to anemography.

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atrabiliary ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to atra bilis or black bile, a fluid formerly supposed to be produced by the kidneys.

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automatical ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or produced by, an automaton; of the nature of an automaton; self-acting or self-regulating under fixed conditions; -- …

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azoleic ENGLISH

Pertaining to an acid produced by treating oleic with nitric acid.

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boracic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or produced from, borax; containing boron; boric; as, boracic acid.

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brunonian ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or invented by, Brown; -- a term applied to a system of medicine promulgated in the 18th century …

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cadaveric ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a corpse, or the changes produced by death; cadaverous; as, cadaveric rigidity.

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cardiographic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to, or produced by, a cardiograph.

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Pertaining to, produced by, or involving, both the reflection and refraction of light; as, a catadioptric light.

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catarrhal ENGLISH

Pertaining to, produced by, or attending, catarrh; of the nature of catarrh.

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catoptrical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to catoptrics; produced by reflection.

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chemical ENGLISH

Pertaining to chemistry; characterized or produced by the forces and operations of chemistry; employed in the processes of chemistry; as, …

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chemosmotic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or produced by, chemosmosis.

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cinchonaceous ENGLISH

Allied or pertaining to cinchona, or to the plants that produce it.

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