"Depeople" is a word in ENGLISH

depeople ENGLISH

To depopulate.

Few words of positivity

We are adhering to life now with our last muscle - the heart.

Djuna Barnes

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why don't blonde's like audio-books?A: There aren't any pictures.

depopulacy ENGLISH

Depopulation; destruction of population.

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depopulate ENGLISH

To become dispeopled.

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depopulate ENGLISH

To deprive of inhabitants, whether by death or by expulsion; to reduce greatly the populousness of; to dispeople; to unpeople.

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depopulation ENGLISH

The act of depopulating, or condition of being depopulated; destruction or explusion of inhabitants.

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Depopulation LAW AND LEGAL

In old Engllsh law. A specles of wapte by whlch the population of the kingdom was diminished. Depopula-tion of houses …

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depopulator ENGLISH

One who depopulates; a dispeopler.

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desolation ENGLISH

The act of desolating or laying waste; destruction of inhabitants; depopulation.

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dispeople ENGLISH

To deprive of inhabitants; to depopulate.

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dispeopler ENGLISH

One who, or that which, dispeoples; a depopulator.

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unpeople ENGLISH

To deprive of inhabitants; to depopulate.

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vastation ENGLISH

A laying waste; waste; depopulation; devastation.

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