"Deodand" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


(L. Lat. Deo dandum, a thing to be given to God.) In English law. Any personal chattel which was the Immediate occasion of the death of any reasonable creature, and which was forfeited to the crown to be applied to pious uses, and distributed in alms by the high almoner. 1 Hale, P. C. 419; Fleta, lib. 1, c. 25; 1 Bl. Comm. 300 ; 2 Steph. Comm. 365

deodand ENGLISH

A personal chattel which had caused the death of a person,
and for that reason was given to God, that is, forfeited to the crown,
to be applied to pious uses, and distributed in alms by the high
almoner. Thus, if a cart ran over a man and killed him, it was
forfeited as a deodand.

Few words of positivity

Destiny is for people in books about magical swords. It's a lot of crap.

Ransom Riggs, Hollow City

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why is Chelsea Clinton a miracle child?A: Because lawyers use their personalities for birth control.

Confiscate LAW AND LEGAL

To appropriate property to the use of the state. To adjudge property to be forfeited to the public treasury; to …

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In Scotch law. To lose. To fall from a right is to lose or forfeit it 1 Kames, Eq. 228

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Fcemina Vtro Co-Operta LAW AND LEGAL

A mar- FOIRFAULT. In old Scotch law. To ried woman; a feme covert. forfeit 1 How. State Tr. 027

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Forisfactum LAW AND LEGAL

Forfeited. Bona fo-risfacta, forfeited goods. 1 Bl. Comm. 299. A crime. Du Cange; Spelman

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