"Delphine" is a word in ENGLISH

delphine ENGLISH

Pertaining to the dauphin of France; as, the Delphin
classics, an edition of the Latin classics, prepared in the reign of
Louis XIV., for the use of the dauphin (in usum Delphini).

delphine ENGLISH

Pertaining to the dolphin, a genus of fishes.

Few words of positivity

I began a lifelong affair with nostalgia, with only the vaguest notions of what I was nostalgic for.

Lucy Grealy

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the blonde who brought her cosmetics with her for a make-up exam?


patulón - Caus. of tulón—to swallow, gulp down. Ipatulón mo sa íya inâ. Let him swallow that (literally and metaphorically). …

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singkurung CEBUANO

singkurung v [A; a12b2] strike, knock the head hard in a sweep-ing motion. Tungud sa kalágut íyang gisingkurung ang bátà, …

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abassi ENGLISH
demonstrative ENGLISH

Expressing, or apt to express, much; displaying feeling or sentiment; as, her nature was demonstrative.

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As used In law, this term denotes those who are so destitute of property or of the means of support, …

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bartuniku CEBUANO

bartuníku n k. o. fish, the climbing perch: Anabas testudines.

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decipheress ENGLISH

A woman who deciphers.

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forslow ENGLISH

To delay; to hinder; to neglect; to put off.

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Causing or caused by dimness of sight; dim.

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spinet ENGLISH

A keyed instrument of music resembling a harpsichord, but smaller, with one string of brass or steel wire to each …

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bulwark ENGLISH

To fortify with, or as with, a rampart or wall; to secure by fortification; to protect.

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diversivolent ENGLISH

Desiring different things.

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An allotted portion; a stint.

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kanánda - (B) To them, etc. Maágda akó kanánda ni Pédro. (——sa íla ni Pédro). I will invite Peter and …

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siaw a {1} mischievous, given to doing irresponsible but harm-less fun. Siaw kaáyu ning batáa kay íyang gihuktan ug písì …

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trooper ENGLISH

A soldier in a body of cavalry; a cavalryman; also, the horse of a cavalryman.

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glissette ENGLISH

The locus described by any point attached to a curve that slips continuously on another fixed curve, the movable curve …

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conversance ENGLISH

The state or quality of being conversant; habit of familiarity; familiar acquaintance; intimacy.

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