"Delirate" is a word in ENGLISH

delirate ENGLISH

To madden; to rave.

Few words of positivity

Violet learned then what she had forgotten until this moment: that laughter is serious. More complicated, more serious than tears.

Toni Morrison, Jazz

Laugh your heart out.

Professor: I forgot to take my umbrella this morning. Wife: When did you first miss it, dear? Professor: When I reached up to close it after the rain had stopped.

distract ENGLISH

To unsettle the reason of; to render insane; to craze; to madden; -- most frequently used in the participle, distracted.

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frenzied ENGLISH

Affected with frenzy; frantic; maddened.

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hangit CEBUANO

hangit v [B126] get irked or irritated to the point of anger. Nahangit ku kadugáyan sa íyang paggaugau, His derision …

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incense ENGLISH

To inflame with anger; to endkindle; to fire; to incite; to provoke; to heat; to madden.

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lagut v {1} [A; a12] chew tobacco. Bahù ug bàbà ang táwung mulagut, A person who chews tobacco will develop …

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To make mad or furious; to madden.

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madden ENGLISH

To become mad; to act as if mad.

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madden ENGLISH

To make mad; to drive to madness; to craze; to excite violently with passion; to make very angry; to enrage.

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pungut CEBUANO

pungut a irritating, maddening. Pungut bayà kaáyu nímu nga mukatáwa lag kasab-an, Its maddening the way you simply laugh when …

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