"Deliquation" is a word in ENGLISH

deliquation ENGLISH

A melting.

Few words of positivity

She had thought she knew what war was, but as their empty eyes and too-thin bodies etched themselves onto her soul, Vhalla realized she knew nothing at all. They were all boys and girls playing at war, writing their own songs the bards would sing. But the bards never sang about this. Suddenly the faces of the people she had killed came back to her. We are monsters.

Elise Kova, Earth's End

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What's black and dangerous and lives in a tree?A: A gorilla with a machine gun.


alimúnaw - To disappear suddenly or unexpectedly, to melt away; to vanish, be missing. Nagalimúnaw gid lang ang ákon isulúlat …

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n. a kind of native sweet made of glutinous rice powder which is cooked in lard until it swells and …

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asphaltum ENGLISH

Mineral pitch, Jews' pitch, or compact native bitumen. It is brittle, of a black or brown color and high luster …

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aventurine ENGLISH

A kind of glass, containing gold-colored spangles. It was produced in the first place by the accidental (par aventure) dropping …

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barium ENGLISH

One of the elements, belonging to the alkaline earth group; a metal having a silver-white color, and melting at a …

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beurre ENGLISH

A beurre (or buttery) pear, one with the meat soft and melting; -- used with a distinguishing word; as, Beurre …

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bismuth ENGLISH

One of the elements; a metal of a reddish white color, crystallizing in rhombohedrons. It is somewhat harder than lead, …

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A forcible stream of air from an orifice, as from a bellows, the mouth, etc. Hence: The continuous blowing to …

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blowtube ENGLISH

A long wrought iron tube, on the end of which the workman gathers a quantity of \"metal\" (melted glass), and …

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bougie ENGLISH

A long slender rod consisting of gelatin or some other substance that melts at the temperature of the body. It …

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To drive tarred oakum into the seams between the planks of (a ship, boat, etc.), to prevent leaking. The calking …

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capsule ENGLISH

A small saucer of clay for roasting or melting samples of ores, etc.; a scorifier.

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cerate ENGLISH

An unctuous preparation for external application, of a consistence intermediate between that of an ointment and a plaster, so that …

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cerecloth ENGLISH

A cloth smeared with melted wax, or with some gummy or glutinous matter.

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ceromancy ENGLISH

Divination by dropping melted wax in water.

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colliquable ENGLISH

Liable to melt, grow soft, or become fluid.

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colliquate ENGLISH

To change from solid to fluid; to make or become liquid; to melt.

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colliquation ENGLISH

A processive wasting or melting away of the solid parts of the animal system with copious excretions of liquids by …

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colliquation ENGLISH

A melting together; the act of melting; fusion.

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colliquative ENGLISH

Causing rapid waste or exhaustion; melting; as, colliquative sweats.

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