"Degdeg" is a word in ILOKANO

degdeg ILOKANO

v. /-UM-/ to increase in degree or intensity; to worsen. Dimmegdeg ti sakit na. His sickness worsened. /MANG- :-EN/ to cause to increase in degree or intensity; to make worse. Saan mo nga degdegen toy nasakit ko. Don’t make my sickness worse.

Few words of positivity

Your habits can guide you in the direction of your dreams or hold you back from achieving them. Look closely at your daily habits and you can predict your future with accuracy.

Mensah Oteh

Laugh your heart out.

Diner: May I please have a glass of water?Waiter: Why, are you thirsty?Diner: No, I want to see if my neck leaks.

Alluvio Maris LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. In the clvll and old English law. The washing up of the sea; formation of soil or land from …

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augment ENGLISH

To enlarge or increase in size, amount, or degree; to swell; to make bigger; as, to augment an army by …

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decrease ENGLISH

To grow less, -- opposed to increase; to be diminished gradually, in size, degree, number, duration, etc., or in strength, …

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deepen ENGLISH

To make more poignant or affecting; to increase in degree; as, to deepen grief or sorrow.

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diminution ENGLISH

The act of diminishing, or of making or becoming less; state of being diminished; reduction in size, quantity, or degree; …

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feverish ENGLISH

Having a fever; suffering from, or affected with, a moderate degree of fever; showing increased heat and thirst; as, the …

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gradual ENGLISH

Proceeding by steps or degrees; advancing, step by step, as in ascent or descent or from one state to another; …

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increase ENGLISH

To become greater or more in size, quantity, number, degree, value, intensity, power, authority, reputation, wealth; to grow; to augment; …

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intensive ENGLISH

Stretched; admitting of intension, or increase of degree; that can be intensified.

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intensively ENGLISH

In an intensive manner; by increase of degree.

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ísa v {1} [APB3; a] raise, rise. Ang kadíti mauy nag-ísa sa bandílà, The cadet raised the flag. Miísa ang …

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maximization ENGLISH

The act or process of increasing to the highest degree.

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maximize ENGLISH

To increase to the highest degree.

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maximum ENGLISH

The greatest quantity or value attainable in a given case; or, the greatest value attained by a quantity which first …

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In an increasing or additional degree; even more; -- much used with comparatives.

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umintu CEBUANO

umintu v [AB; bc] {1} become greater in degree or number, cause s.t. to do so. Ang mga kumirsiyanti miumintu …

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usbaw v {1} [B2] improve, prosper. Ang íyang pagpaningká-mut nakausbaw (nakapausbaw) níya gíkan sa kakabus, He rose from poverty through …

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