"Deflexed" is a word in ENGLISH

deflexed ENGLISH

Bent abruptly downward.

Few words of positivity

Hell," he said, looking down his body. "I shouldn't have thought about that just yet. Now Alice is going to come out of the bathroom and see you standing there being demanding. That's not very gentlemanly...." This just made him even harder. With a sigh, he snatched up her pirate hat and slapped it over his crotch. "There. Now we can at least present the semblance of a man who doesn't have a single track mind.

Katie MacAlister, The Importance of Being Alice

Laugh your heart out.

Nigel: You said the school dentist would be painless, but he wasn't. Teacher: Did he hurt you? Nigel: No, but he screamed when I bit his finger.

crookbill ENGLISH

A New Zealand plover (Anarhynchus frontalis), remarkable for having the end of the beak abruptly bent to the right.

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geniculate ENGLISH

Bent abruptly at an angle, like the knee when bent; as, a geniculate stem; a geniculate ganglion; a geniculate twin …

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geniculation ENGLISH

The state of being bent abruptly at an angle.

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induplicate ENGLISH

Having the edges bent abruptly toward the axis; -- said of the parts of the calyx or corolla in aestivation.

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inflexed ENGLISH

Bent or turned abruptly inwards, or toward the axis, as the petals of a flower.

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offset ENGLISH

An abrupt bend in an object, as a rod, by which one part is turned aside out of line, but …

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retroflexed ENGLISH

Reflexed; bent or turned abruptly backward.

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