"Decollating" is a word in ENGLISH

decollating ENGLISH

of Decollate

Few words of positivity

When we practice self-compassion in our lives, we are compelled to be more understanding and accepting toward ourselves.

Jose Incer, Mastering Success: The Key to Self Empowerment and Higher Consciousness

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Did you hear Chrysler is introducing a new car to commemorate President Clinton's election?A: It's gonna be called the Dodge Drafter!

decollate ENGLISH

To sever from the neck; to behead; to decapitate.

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decollated ENGLISH

Decapitated; worn or cast off in the process of growth, as the apex of certain univalve shells.

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Decollatio LAW AND LEGAL

In old English and Scotch law. Decollation; the punishment of beheading. Fleta, lib. 1, e. 21, $ 6

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decollation ENGLISH

The act of beheading or state of one beheaded; -- especially used of the execution of St. John the Baptist.

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decollation ENGLISH

A painting representing the beheading of a saint or martyr, esp. of St. John the Baptist.

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