"Deciphering" is a word in ENGLISH

deciphering ENGLISH

of Decipher

Few words of positivity

You endure what is unbearable, and you bear it. That is all.

Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess

Laugh your heart out.

Worried because they hadn't heard anything for days from the widow in the neighboring apartment, Mrs. Silver said to her son, "Timmy, would you go next door and see how old Mrs. Kirkland is?"A few minutes later, Timmy returned."Well," asked Mrs. Silver, "is she all right?""She's fine, except that she's angrywith you.""With me?" the woman exclaimed. "Whatever for?""She said 'It's none of your business how old she is,'" snickered Timmy.

cipher ENGLISH
decipher ENGLISH

To find out, so as to be able to make known the meaning of; to make out or read, as …

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decipher ENGLISH

To translate from secret characters or ciphers into intelligible terms; as, to decipher a letter written in secret characters.

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decipher ENGLISH

To stamp; to detect; to discover.

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decipherable ENGLISH

Capable of being deciphered; as, old writings not decipherable.

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decipherer ENGLISH

One who deciphers.

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decipheress ENGLISH

A woman who deciphers.

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decipherment ENGLISH

The act of deciphering.

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diplomatic ENGLISH

The science of diplomas, or the art of deciphering ancient writings, and determining their age, authenticity, etc.; paleography.

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epigraphy ENGLISH

The science of inscriptions; the art of engraving inscriptions or of deciphering them.

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excuss ENGLISH

To inspect; to investigate; to decipher.

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holocryptic ENGLISH

Wholly or completely concealing; incapable of being deciphered.

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Not decipherable; incapable of being deciphered, explained, or solved.

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interpret ENGLISH

To explain or tell the meaning of; to expound; to translate orally into intelligible or familiar language or terms; to …

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In Spanish law. A person appointed by competent authority to read and decipher ancient writings, to the end that they …

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legible ENGLISH

Capable of being read or deciphered; distinct to the eye; plain; -- used of writing or printing; as, a fair, …

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paleography ENGLISH

The study of ancient inscriptions and modes of writing; the art or science of deciphering ancient writings, and determining their …

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polygraphy ENGLISH

The art of writing in various ciphers, and of deciphering the same.

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sphenography ENGLISH

The art of writing in cuneiform characters, or of deciphering inscriptions made in such characters.

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