"Deccapodal" is a word in ENGLISH

deccapodal ENGLISH

Alt. of Deccapodous

Few words of positivity

Youths are the life blood of any nation.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Laugh your heart out.

An Irishman went into a post office to see if there were any letters for him. "I'll see, sir," said the clerk. "What is your name?" "You're having me on now because I'm Irish," said the Irishman. "Won't you see the name on the envelope?"

gynaeceum ENGLISH

Alt. of Gynaecium

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moonshine ENGLISH

The light of the moon.

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supping ENGLISH

That which is supped; broth.

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látum - To enter deep, penetrate, permeate, sink into, soak in, be absorbed. Naglátum na ang íya balatían, kay walâ …

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mechanical ENGLISH

Obtained by trial, by measurements, etc.; approximate; empirical. See the 2d Note under Geometric.

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crippling ENGLISH

Spars or timbers set up as a support against the side of a building.

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cocksure ENGLISH
misrecital ENGLISH

An inaccurate recital.

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hánlud - To strike inward, affect the interior parts, attack the inside, said of diseases, etc. Nahánlud ang katúl sang …

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saccharine ENGLISH

A trade name for benzoic sulphinide.

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Orblike; having the course of an orb; revolving.

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hágdan - Stair, staircase, stairway, ladder, flight of—stairs,—of steps, step-ladder; to apply or use a ladder. Hagdaní ang baláy mo. …

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testiculate ENGLISH

Shaped like a testicle, ovate and solid.

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Certain articles or ordinances drawn up by Archbishop Parker and some of tbe bishops in 1564, at the request of …

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battery ENGLISH

A company or division of artillery, including the gunners, guns, horses, and all equipments. In the United States, a battery …

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climate ENGLISH

One of thirty regions or zones, parallel to the equator, into which the surface of the earth from the equator …

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Matrimonium LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. In Roman law. A legal marriage, contracted in strict ac--cordance with the forms of the older Roman law, i. …

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precocious ENGLISH

Developed more than is natural or usual at a given age; exceeding what is to be expected of one's years; …

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