"Debutant" is a word in ENGLISH

debutant ENGLISH

Alt. of Debutante

Few words of positivity

I think I realized intellectually at that point, watching the city slowly give way to the last vestiges of parkland and then the black spruce forests of the North, that I could come back to the land deeply fearful, or I could choose to see it as a place of healing. Pain colours us; we carry it behind our eyes for a long time after it’s passed. At some point, we have to decide whether we’re willing to let it take over our lives and change them permanently, or whether we’re going to wrench ourselves open again to the world. I couldn’t make that choice in the city.

Jenna Butler, A Profession of Hope: Farming on the Edge of the Grizzly Trail

Laugh your heart out.

A husband and wife were at a party chatting with some friends when the subject of marriage counseling came up. "Oh, we'll never need that. My wife and I have a great relationship,"the husband explained. "She was a communications major in college and I majored in theatre arts." He continued, "She communicates well and I act like I'm listening."


agipó - A firebrand, a partly burning or smouldering piece of wood.

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sclerotic ENGLISH

Hard; firm; indurated; -- applied especially in anatomy to the firm outer coat of the eyeball, which is often cartilaginous …

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gúnda - To deteriorate, wane, decline, worsen, fall off. Nagagúnda na ang láwas níya, kay tigúlang na man siá. His …

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indifferent ENGLISH

Free from bias or prejudice; impartial; unbiased; disinterested.

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glasshouse ENGLISH

A house where glass is made; a commercial house that deals in glassware.

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bangsit ILOKANO

n. a coarse, labiate herb (Hyptis suaveolus (L.) Poir.) with blue flowers.

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To pay on equal or proportionate share of a common charge or expense; to pay for something by contribution.

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cholic ENGLISH

Alt. of Cholinic

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epiclinal ENGLISH

Situated on the receptacle or disk of a flower.

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hinga Definition: see hinga1 see hinga2 see hinga3

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pectinated ENGLISH

Having very narrow, close divisions, in arrangement and regularity resembling those of a comb; comblike; as, a pectinate leaf; pectinated …

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espauliere ENGLISH

A defense for the shoulder, composed of flexible overlapping plates of metal, used in the 15th century; -- the origin …

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draught ENGLISH

That which is drawn

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horse-radish ENGLISH

A plant of the genus Nasturtium (N. Armoracia), allied to scurvy grass, having a root of a pungent taste, much …

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abúso - (Sp. abuso) Abuse, wrong-doing, impropriety, reprehensible conduct, bad custom; to abuse, beguile, cheat, misuse. A, abúso gid inâ. …

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tunung CEBUANO

tunung directly at a point. Naigù ang langgam tunung giyud sa kasingkásing, He hit the bird right in the heart. …

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