"De Onerando Pro Rata Por-Tione" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

De Onerando Pro Rata Por-Tione LAW AND LEGAL

writ for charging according to a rateable proportion. A writ which lay for a joint tenant, or tenant in common, who was distrained for more rent than his proportion of the land came to. Reg. orig. 182; Fitzh. Nat Brev. 234, H

Few words of positivity

But how a game plan came to be, what a finished plan looked like, I had no idea. I’d heard that all copies were shredded as soon as the game was over.

Nicholas Dawidoff, Collision Low Crossers: A Year Inside the Turbulent World of NFL Football

Laugh your heart out.

What equine likes to cut in line?A sawhorse!

admeasure ENGLISH

Formerly, the adjustment of proportion, or ascertainment of shares, as of dower or pasture held in common. This was by …

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A writ that lay for a joint tenant or tenant in common who was distrained for more rent than his …

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