"De Libero Fassagio" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

De Libero Fassagio LAW AND LEGAL

writ of free passage. A species of quod permittat. Reg. orig. 155

Few words of positivity

Once again, there was a terrorist attack inside my mouth.

Namekojirushi, I Saved Too Many Girls and Caused the Apocalypse: Volume 2

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What do you call it when a cat bites? - A: Catnip!

A writ which lay for those who were by privilege free from the payment of toll, on their being molested …

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De Libera Falda LAW AND LEGAL

writ of free fold. A specles of quod permittat. Reg. Orig. 166

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De Libera Piscaria LAW AND LEGAL

writ of free fishery. A species of quod permittat. Reg. orlg. 155

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A writ commanding that persons excommu-nlcated, who for their obstinacy had been committed to prison, but were unlawfully set free …

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Monstraverunt, Writ Of LAW AND LEGAL

A writ which lies for the tenants of ancient demesne who hold by free charter, and not for those tenants …

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IS. A writ formerly granted for freeing and discharging persons from serv-ing on assizes and juries. Fitzh. Nat Brev. 165

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Sectis Non Faciendis LAW AND LEGAL

A writ whlch lay for a dowress, or oue ln wardship, to be free from suit of court CoweU

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