"De Bonis Non Administratis" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

De Bonis Non Administratis LAW AND LEGAL

of tlie goods not administered, when ant administrator is appointed to succeed an-other, who has left the estate partially un-settlcd, he Is said to be granted “administra-j tion de bonis non;” that is, of the goods not already administered.

Few words of positivity

Today I bent the truth to be kind and I have no regret for I am far surer of what is kind that I am of what is true.

Robert Brault

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the nutty kid throw a glass of water out of the window? He wanted to see a waterfall.


alíma (from líma) v [A; b] take care of s. o. by administering to his needs. Alimáhi ang ímung manghud, …

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Cum Testamento Annexo LAW AND LEGAL

L. Lat. With the will annexed. A term applied to administration granted where a testator makes an incomplete will, without …

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dap-as CEBUANO

dap-as = daplas. sa kapáyas = kalatkat sa kapáyas. see kalatkat. dápat v {1} [A2SC; ac] bring s.t. into contact …

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matahúm - Beautiful, beauteous, seemly, bonny, good-looking, sightly, pretty, handsome, fine, charming, comely, nice, lovely, splendid. (cf. tahúm, maányag, maayóáyo, …

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puntu n {1} point, the important or main idea. Klarúha ang puntu sa buut mung ipasabut, Clarify the point that …

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