"Dayagram" is a word in CEBUANO

dayagram CEBUANO

dayagram n diagram, sketch.
v [A; c1] diagram, make a diagram.

Few words of positivity

What are the key elements for a fabulous, well-delivered compliment? You . . .• are sincere and genuine.• give it freely without expecting anything in return. Your compliment is a selfless gift, not a boomerang.• are specific and detailed.• elaborate on why you like something.• describe how their positive virtue has positively impacted you.• can use adjectives for more colorful descriptions.• keep it positive.• say it like you mean it with intentional impact.• use discretion and good judgment.• leave no room for misinterpretation or misunderstanding.• say the right thing at the right moment and let it flow organically.Finding sincere ways to compliment others is a powerful way to make a great first and last impression.

Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact

Laugh your heart out.

Camper: There's something wrong with my hot dog.Cook: Don't tell me. I'm not a veterinarian.

ochrea ENGLISH

A kind of sheath formed by two stipules united round a stem.

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English: worm Tagalog: uod

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The plant which yields the fiber.

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fleeceless ENGLISH

Without a fleece.

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apparitional ENGLISH

Pertaining to an apparition or to apparitions; spectral.

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horrid ENGLISH

Fitted to excite horror; dreadful; hideous; shocking; hence, very offensive.

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incline ENGLISH

An inclined plane; an ascent o/ descent; a grade or gradient; a slope.

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balligi ILOKANO

n. victory, triumph. v. /AG-/ to win, be victorious or triumphant. Isu ti nagballigi idiay lumba. He was the one …

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To bathe one's self; to take a bath or baths.

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alphabetarian ENGLISH

A learner of the alphabet; an abecedarian.

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orangeism ENGLISH

Attachment to the principles of the society of Orangemen; the tenets or practices of the Orangemen.

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demirep ENGLISH

A woman of doubtful reputation or suspected character; an adventuress.

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buguk, -in- a {1} for an egg to be rotten. {2} rotten in character. Dì maantígung malúuy ang táwung binuguk …

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paving ENGLISH
englishman ENGLISH

A native or a naturalized inhabitant of England.

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kimba n low cli? or gully. Nahg ang kábaw sa kimba. Maáyu nga wà kabalíig tiil, The carabao fell into …

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