"Daplos" is a word in HILIGAYNON


dáplos - To slip. See dápios, dúpias, dalínas. Nakadáplos akó sa salúg, tápì,
kawáyan, etc. I slipped on the floor, on the
plank, on the bamboo, etc. Anó ang
nakapadáplos sa ímo? What made you

Few words of positivity

The environmental movement doesn't have many deserters and has a high level of recruitment. Eventually, there will be open war.

Paul Watson

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What happens when a blonde gets Alzheimers disease?A: Her IQ goes up!


agád - Notwithstanding, in spite of, still, but yet, contrary to what one would expect, in defiance of all one …

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alóg-og - To glide or slide down a rope or pole, using chiefly the hands in doing so. Nagalóg-og lang …

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anáno pa - Quite frequently this means: (and) as is (was) to be expected, naturally, consequently, of course, as a …

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ándam - Caution, wariness, carefulness, prudence, circumspection; to be cautious, to beware, to be careful, wary, circumspect. Andamá ang pagkapút …

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balhug CEBUANO

balhug v {1} [A; c] insert s.t. long in a place under s.t. or be-tween s.t. Akuy mibalhug niánang linipak …

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bandira CEBUANO

bandíra n {1} flag, banner. {2} s.t. flapping like a flag, visible for all to see. Bitára ang ímung kamisun …

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bánhog - To get loose or lose connection with, to fall or slip off; become separate from, as a thread …

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bawhag CEBUANO

bawhag a {1} doing things unthinkingly. Bawhága níyang mil-abang sa dálan way lingìlíngì, How careless of her to cross the …

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bulandus CEBUANO

bulandus v [APB12; c] push s.t. into going forward, slip and fall down with feet forward. Nabulandus siya kay nakatunub …

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búya n agreement between parents to betroth their young or unborn children. v [A; ac] betroth unborn or young children. …

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dahili CEBUANO

dahílì v [B2S3; c] {1} for solids in small pieces (grains, small rocks, etc. ) to slip, slide down touching …

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dahilug CEBUANO

dahílug v [B5; b6] slip o? downwards, slide down. Midahílug lang ang kasíli gíkan sa ákung kamut, The eel just …

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dáhog - To slide, glide, skid, skate, slip, move or shoot along. Magdáhog ka sa kalát, lapgósan, etc. Slide down …

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dakdak CEBUANO

dakdak v {1} [B12; b8] fall down with a bang. Pisti ning pálut sa ságing, mau niy nakadakdak (nakapadakdak) nákù, …

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dálhag - To creep, crawl, wriggle, along the floor, as small children not yet able to walk. Ang bátà nagadálhag …

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dalín-as - To slip, slide, skate, skid. Nakadalín-as akó. I slipped. Padalin-asá siá. Make him slip. Ang kadánlug sang dálan …

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dalipanus CEBUANO

dalipanus, dalipánus v [B2; c] slip by sliding. Midalipánus lang ang ubud sa ákung kamut, The eel just slipped from …

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dalipsu CEBUANO

dalipsù v [B26; c1P] slide. Midalipsù ang bátang ákung gikúgus, The child I was carrying slipped out of my arms. …

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dalispang CEBUANO

dalispang v [B26; b6] {1} slip, lose ones footing. Midalispang siya sa pálut sa ságing, He slipped on the banana …

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dalogdogan HILIGAYNON

dalogdogán - A place where dalógdog grows—or—a field overgrown with dalógdog. dalóhog, To slide—, glide—, slip—, skid—, down a—chute,—waterfall,—hill-side, etc. …

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