"Dalhag" is a word in HILIGAYNON


dálhag - To creep, crawl, wriggle, along
the floor, as small children not yet able to
walk. Ang bátà nagadálhag sa salúg or
ang salúg ginadalhagán sang bátà. The
baby is crawling along the floor. (cf. ígod,
íwos, híwos),
dálhag, To slip, skid, slide sideways. (cf.
dalín-as, dúpyas, wárik).

Few words of positivity

Writing is a solitary occupation.

Bernard Cornwell

Laugh your heart out.

Student: "Would it be possible to install Arabic language support on those computers?" Computer Teacher: "In order to use Arabic language in Windows, you must install an Arabic graphic card. So I don't think we could do that."

pendicle ENGLISH

An appendage; something dependent on another; an appurtenance; a pendant.

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harangue ENGLISH

To address by an harangue.

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instantaneous ENGLISH

Done or occurring in an instant, or without any perceptible duration of time; as, the passage of electricity appears to …

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disputison ENGLISH

Dispute; discussion.

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bagul a poor. Dì ku mutúu nga kun bagul ka sa sinugdan, bagul ka na lang sa hangtud, I dont …

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Concreted earthy or mineral matter; also, any particular mass of such matter; as, a house built of stone; the boy …

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2d per. sing. of Shall.

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tambayawan CEBUANO

tambayáwan n k. o. spider found in and inhabiting thickets, 35 in diameter including the feet, mottled green and black …

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lápaw - To go, pass over or above. Ang mga balúd naglápaw sa sakayán— or—linapáwan ang sakayán sang mga balúd. …

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De Asstimato LAW AND LEGAL

In Roman law. one of the lnnomlnate contracts, and, ln effect, a sale of land or goods at a price …

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manalalay HILIGAYNON

manalálay - Musician; musical. (találay, tulálay; cf. manulálay id.).

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complication ENGLISH

A disease or diseases, or adventitious circumstances or conditions, coexistent with and modifying a primary disease, but not necessarily connected …

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norwegian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Norway, its inhabitants, or its language.

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The European ring ousel (Turdus torquatus).

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consolidative ENGLISH

Tending or having power to consolidate; healing.

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possession ENGLISH

The act or state of possessing, or holding as one's own.

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sílut n young coconut, the meat of which is harder than the butung stage but softer than the ungul.

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spiculiform ENGLISH

Having the shape of a spicule.

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contiguity ENGLISH

The state of being contiguous; intimate association; nearness; proximity.

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