"Dagras" is a word in HILIGAYNON


dágras - To be thoughtless, act recklessly
or without reflection. (cf. dalás, dágmit,
tabinás hinalî).

Few words of positivity

Have you ever had a dream so strong it slapped you in the face every time you looked away?

Joyce Rachelle

Laugh your heart out.

A man had been drinking at the bar for hours when he mentioned something about his girlfriend being out in the car. The bartender, concerned because it was so cold, went to check on her. When he looked inside the car, he saw the man's friend, Dave, and his girlfriend kissing one another. The bartender shook his head and walked back inside.He told the drunk that he thought it might be a good idea to check on his girlfriend. The fellow staggered outside to the car, saw his buddy and his girlfriend kissing, then walked back into the bar laughing."What's so funny?" the bartender asked."That stupid Dave!" the fellow chortled, "He's so drunk, he thinks he's me!"

hectograph ENGLISH

A contrivance for multiple copying, by means of a surface of gelatin softened with glycerin.

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unnest ENGLISH

To eject from a nest; to unnestle.

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rimut kuntrul v [A; c6] broadcast away from the radio station. Magrimut kuntrul mi sa mísa sa Santu Rusaryu, We …

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A fatal epidemic disease; a pestilence; specif., the plague.

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procuress ENGLISH

A female procurer, or pander.

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bookmate ENGLISH

A schoolfellow; an associate in study.

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The railing that incloses the place which counsel occupy in courts of justice. Hence, the phrase at the bar of …

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An article of dress of a light and decorative character, worn loosely over the shoulders or about the neck or …

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tonnage ENGLISH

A duty or impost on vessels, estimated per ton, or, a duty, toll, or rate payable on goods per ton …

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rupert's drop ENGLISH

A kind of glass drop with a long tail, made by dropping melted glass into water. It is remarkable for …

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To be oppressed with difficulties or disease; to do one's work under conditions which make it especially hard, wearisome; to …

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A piece of metal, or other hard material, formed or bent into a curve or at an angle, for catching, …

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To suffer death; to lose life.

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chippy ENGLISH

A small American sparrow (Spizella socialis), very common near dwelling; -- also called chipping bird and chipping sparrow, from its …

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prononce ENGLISH

Strongly marked; decided, as in manners, etc.

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thoroughbred ENGLISH

A thoroughbred animal, especially a horse.

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typesetting ENGLISH

The act or art of setting type.

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A kind of shortened raised biscuit or bread, often rolled or doubled upon itself.

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virginia ENGLISH

One of the States of the United States of America.

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